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Aminet AMIGA CDROM (1994)(Walnut Creek)[Feb 1994][W.O. 44790-1].iso
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ReOrg 3.1 Copyright (C) 1992-1993 by Holger Kruse. All rights reserved.
This text file describes changes and enhancements to ReOrg that have
been implemented after the manual was written and thus are not described
in the manual.
1. Tooltype WINDOWXY
In addition to the tooltypes/arguments listed in the manual
ReOrg understands the new Tooltype "WINDOWXY". It can be used
to specify the upper left corner of ReOrg's main window.
Example: ReOrg WINDOWXY=10,5
opens ReOrg's main window at the coordinates x=10
and y=5.
If you do not use this Tooltype ReOrg centers its main window
within the visible portion of your screen.
2. Compatibility to DataFlyer(tm) harddisks
DataFlyer(tm) harddisks use a proprietary (non-RDB) boot
mechanism that is incompatible to previous versions of
ReOrg. ReOrg 3.1 can optimize DataFlyer harddisks, but
OFS<->FFS conversions are impossible.
3. Compatibility to MultiUserFileSystem
The MultiUserFileSystem (muFS, (C) by Geert Uytterhoeven)
is a variant of the standard Amiga FileSystem that adds
the concept of user and group IDs (like Un*x) to the
Amiga FileSystem and enforces access protection based on
the current user ID (as set by a "Login" program).
Usually the disk format used by muFS is identical to the standard
Amiga disk format with one exception: If a partition is
FORMATTED while muFS IS ALREADY RUNNING, the partition is
formatted with DosType "muFS" (instead of DOS\0 - DOS\5) to
provide some extra protection.
Starting with the upcoming muFS release 1.5, muFS can also use
the new DosTypes muF\0 - muF\5.
ReOrg recognizes all DosTypes (DOS\0 - DOS\5, muFS, muF\0 - muF\5)
and is thus compatible to all current versions of the
MultiUserFileSystems including the upcoming release 1.5. However
for security and compatibility reasons there are some restrictions
as far as filesystem conversions are concerned: You can use ReOrg to
- convert any DOS\? partition to any other DOS\? partition.
- convert any muF\? partition to any other muF\? partition
with one exception: If your partition is formatted as "muFS"
and you convert it to, say, "muF\1", this partition will be
INCOMPATIBLE to muFS versions 1.4 and below, because disk
formats muF\0-muF\5 are not supported by muFS 1.4 and below.
ReOrg will display a warning in this case. Please see the
MultiUserFileSystem documentation for details.
For security reasons you cannot use ReOrg to convert a partition
between "muF\?" and "DOS\?" format. Starting with muFS
release 1.5 the MultiUserFileSystem package will probably contain a
tool to convert a partition back and forth between "muF\?" format
and the corresponding "DOS\?" format.
Thanks to Geert Uytterhoeven for helping me with ReOrg's muFS
support !
4. New error messages
Some error messages are not listed in the manual:
Error 46: "Sorry, OFS/FFS conversion is incompatible to your
drive's boot mechanism !" (for DataFlyer harddisks
only - see above)
Error 48: "Sorry, the largest partition size supported by ReOrg
is 16777216 blocks !" (Your partition is too large to
optimize it - usually larger than 8 GB.)
Error 49: "Sorry, ReOrg does not support devices with more than
32767 sectors !" (Probably indicates that your
harddisk setup is incorrect - please see the
discussion of "sectors per track" in the ReOrg manual
chapter "Requirements".)
Warning 507: "The resulting partition will not be recognized by
MultiUserFileSystem release V1.4 and before ! Please
make sure you have installed release V1.5 or higher
before you start the filesystem conversion !"
(see above)
5. Volume names in device list
ReOrg now displays the names of inserted volumes together with
the device name (if a volume is inserted in the drive),
e.g. "DH0:System" means: Volume "System" is inserted in
drive "DH0". If the inserted volume is unreadable,
"????" is displayed.
The device and volume list is updated each time a disk is
inserted or removed. This works for "trackdisk.device"
(floppy disks), but - depending on your harddisk controller -
might not work for other removable media, like flopticals.
Please consult your SCSI controller manual for details about
"recognizing a diskchange".
6. Freeing memory under Kick3.0
When ReOrg is used under Kickstart 3.0, it sets the new
MEMF_NO_EXPUNGE flag for most memory allocations. This means
that unused libraries, devices etc. are NOT removed from
memory when ReOrg starts the optimization.
This is useful to prevent important libraries, catalogs etc.
from "disappearing" and thus helps to prevent low-memory
situations during the optimization.
However there are situations when you need to have the
maximum amount of memory available for ReOrg, eg. if you
used SAS/C V6.x before and have all those scxxx.library
and xxx.gst files still in memory. In this case enter
the command "avail flush" in a Shell window before you
start ReOrg. This removes all unused libraries from
your system and gives ReOrg more memory for its cache.
7. Some additional hints
- You should ALWAYS select one of the "predefined settings"
first (see the manual chapter "menus" section
"menu predefined settings") and THEN make any adjustments
you need (like selecting a different device). This ensures
that you do not mistakenly have an option set to a wrong value.
- If you want to have the fastes possible directory access, here
are some hints:
- Set the gadget "small file limit" to a very small
value (0 or 1).
- If you use Workbench and need fast icon display, switch
Workbench mode on. Otherwise switch it off.
- Set the "Optimize for (Kick1.2/1.3 / Kick2.0/3.0)"
gadget correctly depending on your Kickstart version.
- If you use Kickstart 3.x, use "Directory Caching".
If your disk is formatted without "Directory Caching",
you can use ReOrg to convert it. Set "Change filesystem"
to "to DCFS mode".
Warning: - DCFS disks can ONLY be read by Kickstart 3.x,
NOT by Kickstart 2.x.
- The V39 FileSystem (Kick3.0) is not as reliable in
DCFS mode as in standard mode. This is supposed
to improve with the next Kickstart version (3.1 ?).
- If your disk is formatted using DCFS you should not use
filenotes (comments) unless really necessary. Under DCFS
filenotes need additional space on your harddisk and slow
down directory accesses.
- As already mentioned in the manual:
- Do not play around with the "read drive geometry" gadget
unless you know exactly what you are doing !
- Set "Format" and "Verify" to "Off" for harddisks !
And: PLEASE read the manual before using ReOrg !